Document Windows

Document windows are where HTML and text files are displayed. You can open multiple document windows and interact with each window independently. For example, you can read a document while downloading files in other windows.

When you download a document, the text is displayed immediately as it arrives to your computer. After all of the text arrives, images are loaded. You can scroll text and click on links before the entire document is loaded. If you click a link before the entire document is loaded, the current document will be cancelled and the new document will be downloaded in the same window.

Graphical Elements of a Document Window

Title Bar

The title bar contains the title of the document in the window. The title bar also contains the Control-menu box (left) and the Maximize and Minimize buttons.

Title bar

Menu Bar

Descriptions of menu commands are available.

Menu bar


Toolbar buttons provide quick access to frequently used menu commands.


Navigation Bar

The navigation bar contains the Back and Forward buttons, the URL field, and the activity indicator (or spinning globe).

Navigation bar

The Back button returns to the previous file. After using the Back button, you can click the Forward button to move forward.

The URL field displays the URL (or address) of the current file. You can open a file by entering its URL here. URLs are case sensitive and must not begin with a space.

The activity indicator is activated while Mosaic is transferring information or waiting to receive information. The activity indicator moves at a constant speed and does not indicate how fast data is being transferred.

Status Bar

The status bar contains the status message area and the progress indicator.

Status bar

The status message area displays:

The progress indicator shows the time remaining for a file to load. Since some servers do not provide file size information, the progress indicator does not always display.

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